Beyond Airport Potential Price & Licence Model


Invoice / Bank Transfer

At this time we offer payment by invoice / bank transfer, though this cannot be automatically processed and may result in delayed access. We plan to add PayPal but given that existing clients so far preferred invoice, that's not yet prioritized.

In the case of invoice / bank transfer, we release your data manually, once you confirm to us in written (e-Mail from user account is sufficient), that the bank transfer has been initiated with your bank (not the internal process).

It is also possible to have prepayment (deposit) or a credit line arranged.

Price Model

Airport CustomersNewRenewal
Single Airport Analysis9006001
Second Airport27505001
Five Airports22,5001,0003
Airline CustomersNewRenewal
Single Airport Analysis9006001
Five Airports22,5001,0003
20 Airports25,0002,0003
1 renewal within three years of last order for the same airport.
2 pre-payment, use within 12 months from order
3 annual renewal, pre-ordered

Consultants contact us for discounts / barter agreements. Customized Analyses on request
All prices in Euro €, applicable taxes (i.e. VAT) apply.
All purchases are assigned to a given company and we can assign multiple user profiles to a given company.

License Model

Liability provides all data "as is" through fully automated analyses. The data is not intended to be used without interpretation, but by experienced Route Development Managers, as it only reflects basic statistical assumptions that need to be correlated by additional information related to the planned route. Factors such as marketing, reputation, flight frequency, fares levels, previous services on the route, VFR-potential, commercial and other relations between the two - to be analysed - regions, are just some facts that can largely influence the passenger potential in negative or positive ways.
As such, cannot take any liability for any incorrect interpretation of the available data beyond the license cost. We also intend to improve the data coverage, quality and analysis, bringing in new knowledge that has not been available before, having sometimes major impact to a before/after analysis.

What You Get offers manual analysis of the data available to us. If you would like additional information, we are happy to discuss them.

Make sure you have a look into the detailed analysis for examples of the information you get beyond the dashboard! There are user settings existing or planned to add more or reduce detail from that analysis detail.

In order to provide instant and useful results in the best mix of speed and detail, we provide you a valuable extract of the information available to us.
Our Dashboard gives you access to full online example analysis. You can see the content, the speed and the detail of our standard analysis. We also maintain a page, showing the level and detail of data covered.
You can also see the user settings available on a global or analysis level, giving you an understanding of what you can adjust and what not.

This is a "living website". We keep adding more detail and information.

As seen on the demo airports, the paid maps are currently interactive and we have a full screen map page linked from the dashboard from which you can make screen shots to your liking for up to 4K (3,840 x 2,160 pixel).

Online Access

Payment for the analysis gives the client one year access to the live data for the analysed airport(s) from the time the payment is processed. This includes all updates to data, improvements to algorythms, etc.

The access is for all users that belong to the same company. If multiple companies belong to the same group, we can asign all to users to that group instead of the individual group company for shared access. If in doubt, please ask before, as we do not refund any missed group discounts after, only for future purchases.


After 9 month, the access to the particular study can be extended. Such extension is optional and will extend from the time the data is due to expire.
After 11 months, the client may agree (opt-in) to receive a single reminder mail to the registered e-Mail-address reminding of the impending expiry with the ability to extend the access by another year, print the latest analysis, safe results.
After 1 year, if not renewed the access is cancelled. Within three years, a new request for the same airport is discounted by 10%, thereafter a new request would such be processed at the "new" rate.

Print, Electronic Copies, Attribution

The client may print the analysis-result, safe it as PDF or use screenshots for own need, as long as the copyright notice that our analyses contain is not compromized or substituted by a matching, visible copyright text. That said, if you make a screenshot of our maps and crop it to your needs, it is a copyright infringement if you do not replace the entire cut-away copyright notice with a readable substitute!
For text-based analysis results, a normal source-reference as "Source: 2024" is sufficient, the year reflecting the actual year of the analysis, not necessarily the current calendar year and "Source" approved to be translated as needed. For electronic redistribution, "" must be linked to our homepage.